Skandamata is the 5th form of Goddess Durga and she is worshipped on the 5th day of Navratri.

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She is four armed and The Lion is her Vahana (Vehicle) which symbolises fearlessness and power. She holds Lord Skanda or Kartikeya the divine warrior God in her lap.

The worship of Skandamata with a pure intention is extremely powerful as the Goddess blesses her devotees with power, prosperity and achievement of all the treasures.

By honouring Skandamata we also honor her son Skanda or Kartikeya who blesses devotees with courage and strength. He is the deity of the planet Mars and one can eradicate the negative influence of Mars by worshipping HIM with sincerity and purity.

The Mantra for Goddess Skandamata

Aum Hrim Sri Skandamata Durgaye Namaha

You can do Japa of this mantra 108 times on the 5th day of Navratri to worship her.

Hidden meaning of Skandamata as explained by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Skanda is another name for Lord Karthikeya who represents the coming together of Jnana Shakti (power of knowledge) and Kriya Shakti (power of righteous action). Skanda is the combination of these two. Skandamata is that form of the Divinity that brings practical wisdom and action together.

The Shiva Tattva is the blissful principle, ever calm and disengaged from action. The Devi Tattva (Mother Divine) is the primordial energy responsible for action and activity in creation.

It is said that the Devi represents the confluence of Iccha Shakti (power of intention), Jnana Shakti (power of knowledge) and Kriya Shakti (power of righteous action). When the Shiva Tattva unites with these three powers, then what emerges is Skanda.

Skandamata represents the very origin of Jnana (knowledge) and Kriya (the principle of action or activity). It can be understood as Kriyatmak Jnana (knowledge in action or action driven by right knowledge).

Many times, we see that knowledge is there but it has no purpose, or it cannot be used in any action as such. But there is also knowledge which has a definite end or purpose (attained through action). In college, you study subjects like Physics and Chemistry in great detail, but you do not use it much in your daily life. When you study Medicine, then you use that knowledge every day. When you understand how to repair a television, then you can use that knowledge and skill to repair a TV when it is damaged. Or like when you learn how a motor works and how to repair it. This is more practical-oriented knowledge. Skanda signifies the coming together of knowledge and (righteous) action in our life. Skanda Tattva is thus an extension of the Devi Tattva (Mother Divine).

We often say that the Brahman is manifest everywhere and is omnipresent; but at present when you have a difficult situation to deal with in your life, then what do you do? What knowledge would you use then? In order to resolve the problem you need to act, you need to put knowledge into action. So when you take action that is guided by knowledge, it is the Skanda Tattva that manifests. And Goddess Durga is considered as the mother of the Skanda Tattva

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