This is an excerpt from our book – Vedic Rituals and Remedies

We are on a pursuit of happiness without ever realizing what true happiness is and this leads us to avoid all that is unpleasant in life. Unfortunately, most of us are not evolved enough to accept what is happening and go with the flow. The harsh truth is that no one is responsible for the suffering and trauma we undergo in life. We are the only ones responsible for that. Our birth chart is the summum bonum of our past life karmas.

The good karma shows up in the chart as benefic planets and our bad karma is depicted as malefic planets. As simple as that!

Remedies is one of the most important parts of Vedic Astrology. For every problem, there is a solution. When done with utmost faith the remedies and rituals help us change from within. The planets do not expect us to do the remedies, the Gods do not expect our prayers, We need them. We do it for our own benefit. Remedies bring a shift in our consciousness and this strengthens the positive vibrations of the benefic planets and reduces the negative impact of malefic planets.

Rituals & Remedies To Build A Successful Career Based On Your Birth Chart


1. Find your 10th house lord and chant the personalized mantra of that planet (based on nakshatra pada number). This can be done during that planet’s Hora and that planet’s Vara (Vedic day). The 10th house is the house of career, a successful career depends on the strength of the 10th house and its ruler. To find your personalized mantra get your free report

2. Help other people with their Job-related problems. Help people succeed in their career. This goes a long way in ensuring your own success.

3. Use the align27 app to find your Golden moment and do important activities during that time. Picking the right time to do important things is one of the best remedies as prevention is always better than cure. There are certain moments in a day where every single dosha or blemish is destroyed. It depends on various factors and on the align27 app we have calculated this for you based on your own chart.

4. Find your 10th house lord’s nakshatra and find that Nakshatra’s animal and the color related to that planet. Draw, paint or trace the animal during that planet’s Hora and chant the mantra of the planet while doing this. Take at least 10 minutes minimum to complete this process. You will begin to see improvements in less than 10 days. This remedy was suggested originally by Dr. Santhip Kanholy and it has worked miraculously for people who tried it with utmost faith and sincerity. Every nakshatra or constellation is connected with an animal and drawing or tracing or coloring the animal invokes the energy of that constellation which is required to bring the desired success. To find your 10th lord’s nakshatra animal get your free report

5. Worship Lord Ganesha before you begin anything so you can cruise over all your obstacles. Every Nakshatra has a form of Ganesha associated with it. Find the nakshatra of your 10th house lord and then find the form of Ganesha associated with that nakshatra. You can chant the mantra of that Ganesha 108 times every day or on days when you are doing important activities related to your job. To find your personalized Ganesha mantra get your free report

6. Every zodiac sign (Rashi) is associated with an aspect of Lord Shiva. Find the sign (Rashi) of your 10th house and chant the mantra of Lord Shiva associated with that Rashi. You can do this 108 times on mondays or when the moon transits Ardra nakshatra. To find your personalized Shiva mantra get your free report

7. The 27th nakshatra from your own Janma Nakshatra is called “Abhisheka Nakshatra”. You can perform abhishekam to Lord Shiva on days when the Moon transits the 27th Nakshatra from your Janma Nakshatra. It is the nakshatra that is just behind your janma nakshatra. For example for Ardra nakshatra the 27th nakshatra is Mrigashira. You can also use the items for abhishekam based on the tattva of the sign lord. To find out when you have to do the Abhishekam download the align27 app and in the rituals section, you will be able to see it.

8. Every zodiac sign (Rashi) is associated with an aspect of Lord Vishnu. Find the sign of your 10th house and chant the mantra of Lord Vishnu associated with that Rashi. You can do this on wednesdays and on days when the Moon transits Shravana Nakshatra. You can download the align27 app to find out exactly when you have to chant and the mantra as well.

9. According to Sage Parashara, every planet is associated with an avatar of Lord Vishnu. Find the 10th house lord of your chart and find the avatar associated with that planet and chant the mantra of that avatar. This will bring you success in your endeavors. To find your personalized Avatara mantra get your free report

10. Every zodiac sign (Rashi) is associated with one of the 12 Adityas.  So based on the Rashi of the Sun in your chart, you can pray to the Aditya associated with that sign. You can do this every Sunday, preferably during Sun Hora. To find your personalized Aditya mantra get your free report

11. On Sundays offer Arghya to the Sun God preferably during the Sun Hora.

For more such rituals and remedies download our e-book – Vedic Rituals and Remedies