Rahu, the shadow planet of desire, materialism and the exotic, is in the second pada of Punarvasu, in the sign of Gemini, from May 8th to July 10th, 2019. Punarvasu’s symbol is a Quiver of Arrows, which is associated with a long-distance vision, replenishment, and renewal, and its Shakti is the power to acquire wealth. So there is a twofold meaning here between the material and spiritual, and Rahu’s tendency towards ambition needs to be channeled. Punarvasu’s spiritual side is content with very little, though Rahu’s desire is so strong as to be unquenchable, so it is often useful to set yourself a limit in advance and to know when to be satisfied. You are focused on gathering wealth, particularly in the Taurus and Venus-ruled second pada which relates to earthy luxury and hospitality.

Punarvasu is also linked to the home so you may be looking for comforts and security and finding your place in the world. Creating innovative solutions is Rahu’s special gift, with a flair for psychology and knowing people’s underlying motivation so you may approach your goals in a contrary or left-field way. You open yourself to adventurous or even slightly bizarre areas and experimental art and design have a great. This asterism is ruled by Aditi, a goddess associated with infinity, so you are also thinking of self-development where your yoga and meditation practice is strong. Immersing yourself in this discipline is a way to satisfy Rahu’s relentless search and also to indulge in its colorful and unconventional focus.

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In the Vimshottari scheme, Punarvasu is ruled by Jupiter which accents its Archer symbolism and the idea of a distant spiritual quest.

You have a gift for teaching and communicating stories and messages. Your style takes in varied and peculiar influences which you blend into a unique and irresistible mixture. Daring to be yourself is your big lesson and embracing your own gifts means nobody beats you in a competitive situation.  Download align27

You look into the material world for satisfaction but realize ahead of time that you will never be satisfied. Rahu gives you bottomless desires, so channel your drive into a humanitarian direction where everybody wins. Providing opportunities for other people to expand your good fortune. Download align27

A new cycle is starting for you, a drive and desire to do and be something and someone different grabs you irresistible. You might try a new image as a reflection of your changing outlook or simply because you feel like freshening up the format. Find a balance between the material and the spiritual. Download align27

You have a strong desire to get into yourself and bring out your hidden talents. Part of you is curious and questing and part is restless and wary about digging too deeply. A faraway place suits your need for adventure and to get away from your everyday routine – travel for fun and enlightenment. Download align27

An eccentric or rebellious group of people appeals to you and lets you live out a different side of your nature. You handle the social politics and deal with people’s perceptions of you, the truth and the image. Use an innovative approach in business and you have good potential for making profits. Download align27

A different ambition appeals to you and you enjoy a change of career direction. You have a smart way of handling people and know how to pitch your proposals to make them appeal to the right crowd. Escaping from the conventional is great therapy and gives you a better chance of succeeding. Download align27

You break away from your accepted forms of belief and experiment with a new style of faith. Study an outré subject in great depth or find a teacher who opens up a part of your mind that has been sleeping. The battle between the material and spiritual gives you a creative outlook on your life. Download align27

Business and shared finances open up your desires and give you great scope for your worldly schemes. Investing a legacy or windfall sees your wealth growing but make sure you rely on the right people for advice. Emotional sharing also needs you to be on a level of trust with a close partner. Download align27

You are drawn to the colorful and exotic in your love life, and either you find a new relationship relates to your existing partner in a different way. Someone from a totally ‘other’ background appeals to you, who simply to be with makes you feel like part of a wider and wilder world. Download align27

A new job makes a revolution in your working world and you are competitive and hardworking in pursuit of your goals. You have a fascination for alternative healing, and explore the spiritual side of wellness and the mind-body connection. A simple change to your diet can have a profound effect. Download align27

Your creative work goes through a revolution and offbeat or even disturbing materials are a big inspiration. You blend the light and shade and come up with something new, original and important. Your ideas about family evolve and modern parenting concepts start making a lot of sense. Download align27

It is hard to find peace and harmony, and your home life takes you in an offbeat and surprising direction. You are aware of undercurrents in your family history and uprooting them is a therapeutic process. Keep your restless worldly desires in proportion and look for the answer in your own heart. Download align27

Ketu, the South Node of the Moon, enters the fourth Pada of Purva Ashadha in the sign of Sagittarius on May 9th and stays until July 10th. To view your personalized predictions Download the align27 app.