Rahu and Ketu are all set to move into Gemini and Sagittarius after their sojourn in Cancer/Capricorn axis. This is an extremely important transit as the nodes move signs once in 1.5 years.
These are general transit indications only a lot will depend on your own unique birth chart.
Get a detailed transit report for your birth chart personally written by one of our astrologers
Get a complete consultation from Dr.Pai or Dr.Kanholy tap on the link below.
To learn how this transit will impact you based on your moon/ascendant sign please watch the video based on your sign below.
Rahu in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius Introduction
Rahu in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius - Aries Ascendant
Rahu in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius - Taurus Ascendant
Rahu in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius - Gemini Ascendant
Rahu in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius - Cancer Ascendant
Rahu in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius - Leo Ascendant
Rahu in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius - Virgo Ascendant
Rahu in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius - Libra Ascendant
Rahu in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius - Scorpio Ascendant
Rahu in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius - Sagittarius Ascendant
Rahu in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius - Capricorn Ascendant
Rahu in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius - Aquarius Ascendant
Rahu in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius - Pisces Ascendant
Want to about my married life. I am married for 11 yrs now.
2 ND house Vruchik Budh +ketu 8th house Rahu Vrushab
I am in need of job,when I get it
I am a regular follower of Dr Arjun Pai. One may get the entire out of his videos and interview on different channels.
He should go on doing all this for hindu vedic astrology.