Guru (Jupiter) moved out of Dhanishta into Shatabhishak on Jan 2, 2022 and will stay there until March 01, 2022.
Shatabhishak nakshatra falls in the sign of Aquarius which in Sanskrit is called Kumbha rashi. Rahu the lord of Shatabhishak is also the co-lord of Kumbha rashi.
Kumbha means a jar or a pitcher or a pot. It is a fixed sign (sthira rashi). So stagnation is a keyword here (water and fixed).
We always tend to store things (both positive and negative) thinking we will use it sometime in the future, but in doing so we risk stagnation. It is wise to store what is needed and discard what may turn out to be poisonous for us. For example, storing negative emotions leads to stress which in turn leads to various other life threatening consequences. Jupiter would bring the much needed light, knowledge and wisdom for us to understand what’s worth saving and what is to be discarded.
Aquarius is an airy sign ruled by 2 Airy planets Shani (Saturn) and Rahu. The Samudra Manthan (churning of the oceans) is deeply connected to the sign Aquarius.
This transit will influence us to have a more practical outlook on life and finish pending karmas. Though the energy is transformative if we are willing to adapt, it will help us address our negative qualities and come out of the vicious cycle. The wisdom of Jupiter will help us let go of patterns that are not life supporting.
Read more about this transit and to know how it would impact you based on your own birth chart.→
Key Rituals
- Pranayama and Meditation – As I mentioned before Aquarius is an airy sign ruled by 2 airy planets, so it is extremely important to bring balance to our Prana. The restlessness experienced in this sign can ONLY be addressed with Pranayama and Meditation.
- Donate money for good causes. This will in turn bring you more and more!
- Jupiter rules our intelligence, and wherever Jupiter transits, that sign and that house is filled with light. You can use this transit for research and uncover hidden gems.
- Shatabhishak is ruled by Varuna, so you can chant the mantra – Aum Varunaya Namah to honor HIM. You can also use the Bija mantra “Vam” or include it as part of your Japa mantra – Aum Vam Varunaya Namah. This helps to bring stability in life.
- The Shakti or power of Shatabhishak is Bheshaja Shakti, the power of healing. Varuna is the guardian of the western direction. A simple ritual would be to bow down facing west and pray to Lord Varuna who can help us overcome l health issues and poverty. HE can also provide us the strength, stamina and perseverance needed to achieve our goals. You can also hold a cup of pure water close the cup with your hands and chant the mantra “Vam Varunaya Namah” and invoke Lord Varuna and then you can drink the water.
- Vayu or Air element can cause issues with strength, vitality and our prana. It can also create a lot of anxiety and restlessness. This can be rectified by offering Yoghurt with the mantra Aum Tatpurushaya Namah.
- Worship the Kedarnath Jyotirlinga with the mantra – Aum Namah Shivaya Namo Kedarnathaya
- Kadamba tree is connected with Shatabhishak, so you can plant this tree or offer the Kadamba flowers to Devi Durga on Fridays.
It’s always a great reminder to prepare mind for upcoming situations by adopting remedied to have best results.