Muhurta is a term used in Vedic astrology that refers to the selection of an auspicious time or moment for initiating an event or activity. It is believed that the timing of an event can significantly impact its outcome and success.
When selecting the ideal muhurta, the primary factors taken into account are the solar weekday known as Vara, the lunar day referred to as tithi, and the constellation of the Moon known as nakshatra.
The combination of Vara, Tithi, and Nakshatra stands as the utmost significant factor in determining the auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of a specific moment.
Auspicious Vara + Tithi Yogas
Siddha Yoga – Accomplishment
1st, 6th and 11th Tithis on Fridays
2nd, 7th, 12th Tithis on Wednesdays
3rd, 8th, 13th Tithis on Tuesdays
4th, 9th and 14th Tithis on Saturdays and
5th, 10th, Purnima and Amavasya Tithis on Thursdays
constitute Siddha Yoga.
Amrita Yoga – Immortal Yoga
1st, 6th and 11th Tithis on Sundays
2nd, 7th, 12th Tithis on Mondays
1st, 6th and 11th Tithis on Tuesdays
3rd, 8th, 13th Tithis on Wednesdays
4th, 9th and 14th Tithis on Thursdays
2nd, 7th, 12th Tithis on Fridays and
5th, 10th, Purnima and Amavasya Tithis on Saturdays
constitute Amrita Yoga.
Inauspicious Vara + Tithi Yogas
Krakacha Yoga – Weapon (Saw)
6th Tithi on Saturdays
7th Tithi on Fridays
8th Tithi on Thursdays
9th Tithi on Wednesdays
10th Tithi on Tuesdays
11th Tithi on Mondays and
12th Tithi on Sundays
constitute Krakacha Yoga.
Dagdha Yoga – Burnt
12th Tithi on Sundays
11th Tithi on Mondays
5th Tithi on Tuesdays
2nd or 3rd Tithis on Wednesdays
6th Tithi on Thursdays
8th Tithi on Fridays and
9th Tithi on Saturdays
constitute Dagdha Yoga.
Hutasana Yoga – Blazing Fire
12th Tithi on Sundays
6th Tithi on Mondays
7th Tithi on Tuesdays
8th Tithi on Wednesdays
9th Tithi on Thursdays
10th Tithi on Fridays and
11th Tithi on Saturdays
constitute Hutasana Yoga.
Visha Yoga – Poison
4th Tithi on Sundays
6th Tithi on Mondays
7th Tithi on Tuesdays
2nd Tithi on Wednesdays
8th Tithi on Thursdays
9th Tithi on Fridays and
7th Tithi on Saturdays
constitute Visha Yoga.
Samvartaka Yoga – Dissolution
1st Tithi on Wednesdays and
7th Tithi on Sundays
constitute Samvartaka Yoga.
Similarly, there are auspicious and inauspicious Tithi + Nakshatra yogas, Vara + Nakshatra Yogas, Vara + Tithi + Nakshatra Yogas
For a deeper understanding of these Yogas, Cosmic Insights app can be a valuable resource. When you are pressed for time and seeking an auspicious day for important activities, simply refer to the Vara/Tithi/Nakshatra Yogas of the day. If numerous auspicious yogas are present, it indicates a favorable day. Conversely, if there is a prevalence of negative yogas, the day is considered inauspicious. These yogas play a pivotal role in the align27 app, where we determine whether a particular day is categorized as Green, Amber, or Red.
Vara/Tithi/Nakshatra Yogas on the Cosmic Insights App
- If you are reading this article on your mobile phone, tap here to access the Vara/Tithi/Nakshatra Yogas feature of the Cosmic Insights app.
- You can find the Vara/Tithi/Nakshatra Yogas feature under Today’s Panchang (all the way at the end) in the Home screen.
- You can also search for “Vara/Tithi/Nakshatra Yogas” to access this feature.
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