Significance of Tithis
Tithis are nothing else but solilunar days in Vedic astrology based on the apparent distance between the Sun and the Moon on our sky, which determines Moon phases, as well. All ancient traditions were calling the Sun, the Father, and the Moon, the Mother. In the light of modern science, this couldn’t be more accurate.
The light of the Sun and its warmness is indeed infusing the Earth with creative energy and sustains our life here. But not everyone knows, that without the Moon, most likely there wouldn’t be any life on Earth, either. It is our Moon’s gravitational influence that helped ensure that Earth’s spin axis and climate remained stable over long timescales, which is essential for the life to survive on our planet.
As much as the influence of the Sun impregnated the Earth with life, the influence of the Moon preserves it. Thus the influence of Sun is active, masculine and inspiring, while the influence of the Moon is passive, feminine and nourishing.
The divine romance between Sun and Moon
Sun’s brightness is unchangeable. It shines with equal light, regardless of its position on the sky. It doesn’t judge. It favors no one. Its dharma doesn’t change with time. Its only purpose is to shine and to give light. This is why in Vedic astrology Sun is perceived as natural Atma karaka, the light of the soul, which stays unchangeable regardless of the different life circumstances and moods of the mind. Sun represents the state of Shiva.
The brightness of the Moon, however, is dependent on the light of the Sun and the distance between them. Moon doesn’t have any light on her own – she reflects the light of the Sun. Similarly, our mind doesn’t have any brightness on its own.
Any brightness manifested through it, is the light of the soul that shines through the veil of maya covering it. Shiva is the Sun, the light of the soul, while Shakti is the Moon, the individual mind, which takes part in a Divine game of life, and is sensitive to different moods of the present moment. Moon, in Vedic astrology, is our present moment.
It alters the eternal burning light of the Sun and turns it into nourishing, motherly love, providing us different qualities in different moments in time, depending on the nakshatra (Vedic constellation) it sits in and its distance from the Sun. Sometimes its capacity to reflect the light of the Sun will be higher, sometimes it will be lower. Sometimes it will be moving away from the Sun, and sometimes it will be moving back towards it.
Even though the face of the Moon is always turned towards the Sun, as Earth and Moon are tidally locked, from our earthly perspective sometimes we will perceive the Moon as waxing, and sometimes as waning. Waxing and waning are two main moods of the Divine Mother. In Vedic astrology, the path of waxing Moon and waning Moon was split into 15 lunar days or tithis each. Fifteen days of waxing Moon and fifteen days of waning Moon give together a 30-day long soli-lunar month, which is the basis of the Vedic calendar.
Bright path and dark path of the Goddess
Divine Mother sometimes moves away from Shiva, and sometimes comes back to Him. The Moon sometimes moves away from the Sun, and sometimes comes back to it. Same is with our soul. Although all of us come from the Divine, when we undergo the process of individuation, we move away from our Divine origin to find our true self and realize our individual purpose. Sooner or later, however, the longing to merge back with the Supreme Consciousness awakens in each one of us. If not in this lifetime, then in another. Over and over again countless souls move away from Supreme Consciousness, to rediscover themselves one more time and again return to their Source. It is a Divine romance, which sets whole creation into motion. It is an eternal love story between the soul and its Beloved, which all the yogis yearn to have a glimpse of. It is an inborn yearning of each soul. It is the particle of Supreme Goddess within us and a deep longing to be reunited with Her only true Beloved.
When the Moon moves away from the Sun, when the Goddess moves away from Shiva to rediscover Herself, to understand Her purpose and to reflect Shiva’s light into the outer world in its full glory, the Moon is waxing. In Vedic astrology we call it Shukla paksha – the bright fortnight.
In Shukla paksha, Goddess becomes curious about the world and understanding Her true potential. She wishes to interact, to play, to manifest, to communicate and to bestow Her boons. She looks towards the outside. With each of Her steps, She discovers a new quality (Kala) within Herself. Yet, as She becomes brighter and brighter, She moves away from the Sun, Her true Beloved. She enters the material world.
The fullness of individuality can be learned only from the distance. And being so, in every relationship some distance is needed for the self-discovery to happen, as well. When the Goddess finally realises fullness of Her potential during the Full Moon, a peak moment, when She is at maximum distance from the Sun and when She reflects the fullness of light; when Her desires become satiated and there is nothing else to fulfill, no more light to be reflected, the Divine longing awakens in Her heart.
She starts to long and cry for Her Beloved Shiva. With each of Her tears She loses some of Her brightness. With each of Her steps, She moves one step closer to Her Beloved. She realises that She has been distanced from Her origin, and She yearns to come back to it. She abandons all the brightness of the external world and becomes more introvert and more humble. She slowly detaches Herself from each of Her qualities gained on Her way in Shukla paksha, so She can reunite again with Shiva on the New Moon day, when She merges back completely into Him. When Goddess is returning to Her Beloved, the Moon is waning. We call it Krishna paksha – the dark fortnight. Like that, each and every month, the Goddess moves away from Shiva and returns back to Him. She distances Herself from the Source, to reunite with it again. One lunar month is a complete cycle of Her sacred journey of self-discovery.
The importance of your Janma Tithi
Being born in a certain Tithi gives certain qualities to your personality. The deity of your Tithi is important as you are supposed to be the living essence of this deity. The good qualities of the deity, as well as their struggles, become your personality patterns.
Your Tithi represents the different natures of your life, which if properly understood give you the opportunity to preserve the precious amrita that your soul has gathered over its previous lifetimes. It shows your weaknesses and your strengths, your ability to relate to others as well as your connections to the deities.
The personalized Tithi Interpretation Report gives you an in-depth analysis of the following
- Your Tithi and It’s attributes such as Kala, Element, Planetary Ruler, Guna, Yogini, Vowel, Stage of Consciousness, Divine Quality, Your Deity, Nakshatra connection and the form of Shiva related to your tithe.
- Your Tithi Goddess – An in-depth analysis of the deity’s strength, struggles, form etc.
- How to meditate on your Tithi Goddess
- Numerology related to your Tithi
- Shakti or Strengths or Power of your Tithi Goddess
- Important Rashis in your chart based on your Tithi
- Sadhana for your Tithi
- Mantras
- Affirmations
- Questions for Self Analysis
- Your Tithi Yantra
Order your Personalized Titithi Interpretation Report today and learn how to connect with your Personal Tithi Goddess.
This article is good. Thank you.