Did you know that the 9 planets are nothing but incarnations of Lord Vishnu. When i first read about it, i was puzzled as well. But read below and you will tend to see the energy of the related avatars flow through the planet. Ancient Scriptures are so beautiful, but most of the knowledge is hidden.

Rama – Sun

The word Ram itself means “Light” and it is aptly related to the Royal Sun, the giver of light and life to uphold the entire universe. Worshipping Lord Vishnu as the Ram avatar helps us increase the solar energy in our lives.

Krishna – Moon

Who else is comparable to the beauty and grace of Lord Krishna. It is interesting to note that Krishna was born in Rohni Nakshatra which falls under the moon sign Taurus – and it is where Moon is exalted! Praying to Krishna helps us uplift the essential Lunar energy in life.

Vamana – Jupiter

The Vamana or the Dwarf may seem contradicting to the expansive nature of Jupiter which is also the largest of all the planets. But do you remember the story where Vamana takes three strides to measure the entire universe? To transform our Jupiter energy it is advised to worship the vamana avatar!

Narasimha – Mars

Vishnu incarnated as the fierce Narasimha to protect his devotee Prahlada. Narasimha energy is that of “Divine Anger” required to overcome evil. Worshipping Lord Narasimha transforms our “Mars” energy and infuses it with righteousness.

Parashurama – Venus

Venus is the planet of beauty, relationships, material comfort etc. And venus is usually referred to Shukra – The guru of the asuras. When the negative forces surrender to Parashurama, he transforms them to the path of righteousness and God.  Worshipping Parashurama infuses spiritual energy to our venus!

Buddha – Mercury

This isnt surprising, Buddha means intellect, intelligence, reason, discrimination and logic – which is what a strong mercury stands for. Transform your mercurial energy and direct it towards a higher goal by worshipping Buddha.

Kurma(Turtle) – Saturn

Lord Vishnu as the turtle carried the entire universe on his back during the “Samudra Mantan”. The most misunderstood planet is Saturn. We often related Saturn to delays and obstacles. But saturn provides the greatest support and strength in life if you allow it to work on you! There is no heroic story without obstacles – So saturn is the one who makes you a hero! Worshipping Kurma avatar helps to strengthen our Saturn!

Varaha(Boar) – Rahu

Lord Vishnu incarnated as a Boar to save mother Earth when she was stolen by Hiranyaksha. Rahu when it is operating on its higher principle has the ability to protect and save the universe. Rahu is also related to the energy of Goddess Durga. Worshipping the Varaha avatar helps us elevate our Rahu energy and put it to right use.

Matsaya(Fish) – Ketu

Vishnu incarnated as Matsaya to save Manu from a great flood after which manu began a new cycle of creation. Ketu is the planet of endings for a new beginning. Worshipping Matsaya avatar will allow us to let go of the past and move towards a divine purpose!