Navataras are 9 groups of 3 nakshatras each. This is an important concept in picking the right time to do the right things in life and to understand the relationship between nakshatras.
You can use the Cosmic Insights app to generate your Navatara.

- Janma – 1, 10 and 19th from your Janma Nakshatra form the Janma Tara. These nakshatras can tell a lot about our nature and can influence us a lot.
- Sampat – 2, 11 and 20th from your Janma Nakshatra form the Sampat Tara. Sampat means wealth and these nakshatras provide your with all kind of resources that you need in your life. They are good nakshatras for money matters.
- Vipat – 3, 12 and 21st from your Janma Nakshatra form the Vipat Tara. Vipat means danger, and these nakshatras should be avoided for any auspicious beginnings.
- Kshema – 4, 13 and 22nd from your Janma Nakshatra form the Kshema Tara. These nakshatras provide comfort and ease and bring about healing.
- Pratyak – 5, 14 and 23rd from your Janma Nakshatra form the Pratyak Tara. These nakshatras create a lot of obstacles and should be avoided for any important activities.
- Sadhana – 6, 15 and 24th from your Janma Nakshatra form the Sadhana Tara. This is an amazing group of nakshatras to begin new projects or do important tasks as it brings success and achievements.
- Naidhana – 7, 16 and 25th from your Janma Nakshatra form the Naidhana Tara. This set of Nakshatra are highly unfavorable and should be avoided for any activity.
- Mitra – 8, 17 and 26th from your Janma Nakshatra form the Mitra Tara. Mitra means friends, this is an auspicious set of nakshatras for you and people with prominent planets in this Nakshatra will always support you.
- Param Mitra – 9, 18 and 27th from your Janma Nakshatra form the Param Mitra Tara which means Great or Best friends. This set is very favorable for you. When you start important activities on these nakshatras you will feel supported.
You can also generate the Navatara chakra for all the planets in your birth chart.
We use this concept to determine how favorable is your day (Red, Amber or Green) on the align27 app.
Generally with Navataras should one check from the moon? Or the Asc? Moon in Scorpio and Sagittarius Asc means the info is wildly different. Forgo the perception and work from the Asc? Or does it depend on the proposed action?
Nakshatra by default refers to moon’s position
What will happen when your lagna nakshatra is vipat,pratyari and naidhana ?
check your moon’s nakshatra. If it is in vipat, pratyari or naidhana , then there will be problems. nakshatras are moon’s wives. They are women. When women are not pleased with you.. you suffer. But there are remedies . Chamikara Weerasinghe
I will be honest with you, if you have a Naidhana nakshatra as your ascendant (like I do), your life will be extremely miserable and the pain will almost equate to death and could kill you in some cases. These effects can be mitigated if your moon is in a friendly or exalted position, but mine is in Scorpio, which means it is debilitated. Furthermore, if your nakshatra is ruled by Shani (mine), well… welcome to Hell.
Yes, I’m a Chitra ascendent, Anuradha moon. I also have arishta yog, but the lifespan effects are canceled out by Mercury. Doesn’t cancel out the suffering though. I pretty much lived in danger throughout my life and I grew up like an orphan (both of my parents had problems that caused me to grow up alone and taking on responsibility early), that too in extreme poverty. I was a prodigy in mathematics and the arts, won many awards and recognitions, and I was said to be a very brilliant kid. But by the time I turned 22, I was hit with a debilitating neurological disease that put me in the hospital — and this neurological ailment was caused by over a decade of severe trauma. During that time, the very little I had left showed itself to me that it was not genuine. The man I was with for six years was a secret cheater, had an evil family who caused me nothing but problems, put me in the hospital multiple times, and was willing to ditch me when I couldn’t even walk just because I retaliated when he insulted me. Seeing that this man was not sincere and was more into making fantasies than reality, I got another. This man was even worse. He was not only jealous of the little happiness (my success in my career) I had in my life, but he tried to destroy it. This guy was the one who actually gave me that debilitating neurological disease (dysautonomia) by continuously hammering me with trauma and stress. I advise Anuradhas to never get together with Purva Phalgunis. These people are like prostitutes, and they’re evil, selfish, and superficial. Like yo, their ruling planet is Shukracharya, guru of the demons. What do you expect? They’re passionate, but that’s it. They charm people with that and they get out of problems. In reality, they are immoral and lack any kind of responsibility. They don’t have the damn capacity to love anybody. Even their relationship with Ardra or Ashwini is so superficial and they love them more than the people who are actually willing to give them love. It’s fucking ridiculous.
Saturn in the 8th house placed with Jupiter just screws things up for me. Gave me cheating and insincere partners, huge tragedies (my first three best friends passed away), chronic health problems, and all kinds of bullshit. I lack trust with everybody and concluded that I don’t even want to get married. No, it’s not coming from a pessimistic attitude, it’s coming from exhaustion.
But anyway. Yeah. You can see I’m hurting. I’m hurting A LOT. That’s what a fucking Naidhana nakshatra as your lagna does. But since I have Gulikan in the 10th house I try to control my mind with yog. I try to tell myself that all happens for a reason and I have to purposefully and forcefully isolate myself to focus on spirituality and not get depressed with the practical world. I will get the hang of it when I’m older, but like I said, I’m only in my early 20s. So it’s pretty hard now.
And whats happen if your lagna is in param mitra but with maandi ?