In the West, ‘soulmate’ typically means ‘your other half’ or ‘your missing piece’. This follows Plato’s theory that there is a perfect half that you’re missing who like a puzzle piece will ‘fit’ you once you find them. In the East, India particularly, this word is hardly used at all, and is perhaps seen as a bit naïve, since the Vedic tradition, which has benefitted from countless generations of spiritual insight, delves far deeper than Plato’s singular vision. In the Vedic tradition, everyone with whom we have karma, or a ṛṇanubandhana- a debt- is in a sense our soulmate, and they can Ideally-speaking help us work out that debt in an evolutionary way. The question becomes when matching with potential life partners, how do we find someone with whom we have a strong enough connection, but with whom the karma isn’t so dreadful that we’re going to hate every minute being with them? How do we find someone with whom we can evolve, rather than create more debts to be paid in some future life? And is it possible to find the Platonic ideal- our perfect half- with whom we can have our karmic cake… and eat it too?

Astrologically, RA/KE represent the myth of the sundered being- the person cut in half, constantly looking for wholeness. That is, in fact, the essence of RA/KE- the search for wholeness.  One being, divided, looking for its complement. Rahu searches with his senses- his eyes, tongue, etc. KE searches with his inner sense- his spiritual and intuitive side. When the RA/KE axis of one person conjoins sensitive points in another’s chart, a pull, or compulsion towards that person is created. When it’s with the SU, it suggests a ‘soul connection;’ with VE, fantasies of romance and sensuality; with MO a deep emotional bond forged from prior lifetimes as a best friend, lover, but most likely a parent/child.  With the Lagna, a genetic pull towards the body of that person. Perhaps you are genetically, or at least karmically, the ‘same’ in some way. In fact, RA/KE rule your ancestors- the desires and habits you’ve inherited from many generations.

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Today, DNA testing helps us see where our ancestors lived. RA/KE do that in your chart- helping to channel the good/bad karma of the departed through you. When your RA/KE connect to another’s sensitive points- SU, MO, VE, LG- then some part of your ancestry- your ‘karmic DNA’ wakes up and begins pulling you towards them. In this way, RA/KE represent Plato’s myth of the ‘perfect complement’- the soulmate ideal. Unfortunately, we know from Jyotisha that RA/KE are malefics, because in their blind search for unity they ultimately ignore ta– the essential order of the universe- perhaps better described as dharma.

This is where the Vedic tradition takes off- looking not just at who makes you feel ‘whole’ – but who will help you best live your dharma. That is why relationships based solely on the Platonic ideal ultimately fail if they do not also have a strong dharmic connection. What are the Platonic ‘soulmate’ indicators? Many exist, among which are the above-mentioned RA/KE links. Consider also connections between one partner’s SU and the other’s MO;  one partner’s MA and the other’s VE, and one partner’s VE to the other partner’s LG. These are all mentioned in Western Synastry as supportive of ‘true love’.  However, in practice, they may not be enough if the charts are not well supported by deeper methods. RA/KE act like a fast-drying glue that bonds people quickly, but also quickly turns brittle. If a relationship depends only on them it will fail- that’s why they are termed as malefics. They rule “moha” – delusion-  and once the harsh light of reality sets in, what you are left with is what is going to make the relationship work or break apart. Think of it like this: RA/KE links are based on a past-life bond. But what happens when you work that past life karma out- do you have any common interests in this life to hold you together? People become so enamored of the past they forget to look at the reality of each other’s current situation, and its potential to create a future together.

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Secrets of Relationships and Compatibility Webinar

That is where Jyotisha comes in. The clever use of Kūas, the D9, and other uniquely Vedic synastry techniques can give us a complete picture any relationship- be it romantic, business, or even a familial bond- and what each partner needs to work on to best support the other’s dharma. In the Compatibility Protocol, we’ve designed the best of East and West to work together to form a complete relationship picture between potential lovers or partners of any kind. In this Rolls Royce of compatibility programs, we will train you to recognize the ‘affinities’ and patterns upon which solid, life-long relationships are built, and perhaps more importantly, how to spot those that look solid, but may ultimately crumble under the test of daily living. 

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Secrets of Relationships and Compatibility Webinar