Did you know that finding the perfect moment, known as Muhurta, to undertake important tasks in life is considered one of the most effective astrological remedies?

There are various rules and criteria to determine when the stars align favorably for you. The align27 app utilizes thousands of algorithms to assess whether your day is categorized as Green, Amber, or Red. It assists you in identifying your golden moments on any given day.

One crucial factor to consider is the Ghatak Chakra, which signifies the infliction of physical and mental pain. Mars is the planet associated with Ghatak.

Here are some key points related to the Ghatak Chakra:

  1. According to the Ghatak Chakra, specific days, nakshatras (constellations), rashis (zodiac signs), tithis (lunar days), and ascendants are highly unfavorable based on your moon sign. It is essential to be aware of these and avoid initiating auspicious activities during such periods.
  2. It is advisable to exercise double caution and avoid taking risks on days when the Moon transits through your Ghatak Nakshatra.
  3. During your Ghatak tithi (lunar day), it is extremely important to refrain from conflicts and avoid saying or writing things that could create disturbances.
  4. When two or more of these factors coincide, such as when the transit Moon is in the Ghatak Nakshatra and the lunar day, it becomes crucial to be extra vigilant and pay heightened attention.
  5. The align27 app provides rituals that can be performed to counteract the negativity associated with the Ghatak Chakra.

The align27 app is a valuable resource that can guide you in navigating the influence of the Ghatak Chakra and suggest appropriate rituals to overcome its negative effects.