Certain combinations of Vara (Vedic day), Tithi (Lunar day) and Nakshatra (asterism) cause an event to repeat itself. These are quite favorable combinations for performing actions that you would want to repeat, though not favorable at all for actions that you would want to perform just one lasting time, such as getting married.
Tripushkara “three lotus flowers” Yoga:
The Vara of a malefic during Bhadra Tithis with Tripada Nakshatras (Krittika, Punarvasu, Uttaraphalguni, Visakha, Uttarashadha, or Purvabhadrapada) forms Tripushkara Yoga, indicating that any event performed will repeat itself three times.
Tripada ( 3 footed) nakshatras are the ones that have 3 Padas (parts) in one Rashi (sign) and one Pada in another sign. They are Nakshatras ruled by Sun and Jupiter.
Bhadrapada Tithis are 2nd, 7th and 12th tithis or lunar days.
Upcoming Tripushkara Yoga happens on Dec 23, 2018 – You can find it on the Cosmic Insights App
Dvipushkara “two lotus flowers” Yoga:
The Vara of a malefic during Bhadra Tithis with Dvipada Nakshatras (Mrigasira, Chitra or Dhanishtha) forms Dvipushkara Yoga, indicating that any event will repeat itself two times.
Dvipada (2 footed Nakshatras) are those that have two Padas in one Rasi and two in another. These are the Nakshatras ruled by Mars.
Upcoming Dvipushkar Yoga – Jan 26, 2019. This information is available on the Cosmic Insights App.
It is wise to take note of when these yogas happen and perform positive and prosperous activities during that time.
Hi I am having The Two Lotus Yoga in My Birth that is 12th Lunar (Dwadasi) with Mirgasera Nakshatra.. I have slightly felt that things happening repeatedly.. (so far mostly bad things) ..
Pls anyone could throw some light on this..
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